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Minimizing the Cost of Raising a Baby

Minimizing the Cost of Raising a Baby

The cost of diapering, baby food, and doctor’s bills can all add up, and these are just some of the expenses involved. Well, luckily there are some budget-friendly ways you can plan for your child’s future. Read on for some money saving tips.

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Why You Should Cloth Diaper Your Newborn

Why You Should Cloth Diaper Your Newborn

Cloth diapering, although an all over money-saving option, is a significant investment that parents might not be prepared to make at a time when they have so many other expenses. Also, some parents might find it difficult to get a good fit when cloth diapering their tiny infants. If any of these reasons are keeping you from cloth diapering your newborn, here are a few things you should consider that may make you change your mind.

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