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Baby Parker

Baby Parker

It's time once again for our Baby of the Week!! Let's welcome our Week 2 Baby, Parker, and his mama, Shauna! Parker is 6 months old and still fairly new to cloth, but Shauna tells us about their experience so far. FB: What is Parker's favorite food? Shauna: We have only recently introduced solids, but so far homemade green beans are in the lead! FB: How long have you been cloth diapering? Shauna: Parker is our third child, and the first we have cloth diapered, so 6 months. FB: Why did you make the cloth diaper switch? Shauna: We originally decided to cloth for cost savings and a reduction of trash in the environment, both of which have been wonderful, but our little guy has sensitive skin which is not irritated at all by cloth diapers and wipes so we knew we made the right decision for him! FB: What is your favorite component/aspect of cloth diapering? Shauna: For my husband it is not having to rush to the store when our diaper supply is low. For me, I cannot resist our little guy's adorable fluffy butt! FB: Do you have any tips for moms making the switch? Shauna: Do not commit to one brand straight away. There may be good deals on certain brands if you buy more at one time, but if they do not work for your little one you are stuck with an inadequate stash until you can invest in those that work well. FB: Do you have a "Funniest Cloth Diaper Moment?" Shauna: Well, we haven't had many as we are still newbies, but watching my husband put on a CD for the first time was rather amusing to me!   Discount: Use code BOTW to receive 10% off of the perfect size cloth diaper.

Outings With Cloth Diapers

Outings With Cloth Diapers

If you have a child in diapers, then chances are pretty great that at
some point you're going to have to go out into the world to, you
know, get groceries, run errands, and (hopefully) do fun stuff where
a diaper change or two will be needed. And to some parents, the
idea of using cloth diapers while away from home can seem really
intimidating. Well I'm here to help put your mind at ease, because
travelling with cloth diapers is so much easier than you may be
(Even with POOP?)
Yes. Even with poop.
To begin, you will want to make sure that you pack enough cloth
diapers to last you the entire time you're out. If you can estimate
how much time your errands/outing will take, you can take an
average of one diaper for every two hours away from home, plus
one or two extra just in case you have to change a diaper sooner.
Pack plenty of wipes, and wipes solution (if you use cloth wipes) for
those expected or surprise poops.
Bring something waterproof to change your baby on, or try to find a
changing table or other safe surface to change your baby on. I
have had to try and change our one year old on the front seat of
our truck, and it isn't exactly easy... or fun... or easy.
TAKE A WETBAG! This is probably one of the most important
parts of travelling with cloth diapers. What are you going to do with
soiled diapers when you're out for hours? Bring a travel wet bag (or
a full size one if that's all you have), or even a plastic bag if that's
all you've got on hand. Just something to contain the dirty diapers
until you get home, because there's nothing worse than having to
smell urine and poop as you bop around town (especially in the
dead of summer).
If you're still concerned about the smell permeating your vehicle,
you can bring a little tupperware container of baking soda infused
with a couple drops of essential oil like Tea Tree, Lavender, or
Sweet Orange. Sprinkle a bit into the wet bag (it's fine if it gets on
the diapers), or put a few drops of essential oil directly onto the
cotton tabs that are attached to the inside of many travel and full-
size wet bags.
And finally: Do NOT forget about the diapers in your vehicle! I
know. How could that possibly happen? Well, it does (not that I
have personal experience with that or anything..... ahem...), and
the only thing worse than having to smell urine and poop as you
bop around town (especially in the dead of summer) is trying to
figure out what that horrible smell is permeating your vehicle only
to discover a bag full of soiled cloth diapers from the week before. I
won't go into what can happen inside of a poopy diaper after being
forgotten for days, but it can be pretty gross... and terrifying.
So there you have it ­ the easy guide to travelling with cloth
Do you have any extra tips? Let us know!

Baby Of The Week #1 - Lilly

Baby Of The Week #1 - Lilly

Today, we'd like to welcome our very first baby of the week, Lillian!  Adria, Lillian's Mom shared her cloth diapering journey in our Q & A below.  We hope you enjoy! FB: How long have you been cloth diapering? Adria: We started when Lillian was 7 weeks old. We were going to start sooner, but she had some belly button woes, so we held off until it was healed up. We've never looked back! FB: Why did you make the cloth diaper switch? Adria: We decided before she was born that we were going to cloth diaper. I have a few friends who use cloth and it just seemed like a smart idea. I ordered all of her diapers before she was born ­ they were the first baby purchase I made! FB: What is your favorite component/aspect of cloth diapering? Adria: We never run out of diapers, and it's so much less expensive than using disposable. Also, she always smells fresh and clean, and we've had zero blow­outs! FB: Do you have any tips for parents making the switch? Adria: I feel like some of the biggest questions we get are about laundering...I don't find it to be difficult at all, just a few extra loads of laundry each week. But be sure to find a reliable source for information on the best way to wash your diapers ­ it will save a lot of headaches. FB: Do you have a "Funniest Cloth Diaper Moment?" Adria: It was probably her reaction when we put a cloth diaper on her for the first time. She had just found her smile the week before, and as soon as we put on that first FuzziBunz diaper, she smiled so big...her father and I were laughing and smiling right there with her :) Lillian knows what's good for her! ;) Thank you, Adria for giving us a peek into your experiences with cloth diapering! Stay tuned next week for our 2nd Baby of the Week! Every week we will feature a FuzziBunz Mama and Baby for our FuzziBunz Blog! If you'd like to see yourself and your little one featured, please email!  Thanks for reading our blog!  Use code BOTW, to receive an EXTRA 10% off on the perfect size cloth diaper.

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