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FuzziBunz |  Quality Cloth Diapers

Care and Use Guide for FuzziBunz Cloth Diapers 

Caring for your FuzziBunz is easy! Just follow these steps to keep your FuzziBunz looking great through every cycle:

Step 1: Plop any solids into the toilet where they belong.

Step 2: Store diapers in a wet bag or a diaper pail. An open-air laundry basket works fine too. The more air that circulates, the less they will smell. 

Step 3: Throw all diapers and inserts into the washer. Run a warm or cold quick wash or pre-rinse cycle with no detergent. Run a soak for particularly soiled diapers.

Step 4: Run a hot wash with detergent followed by the automatic cold rinse.

Step 5: Dry on low heat or hang dry. Can be dried on high. 

Step 6: Enjoy nice, warm, soft, fresh clean diapers fresh out of the dryer. Never be out of diapers again!


Other tips to care for your FuzziBunz:

  1. You want to use enough water to thoroughly clean and rinse the diapers, but not so much that the diapers fail to rub against one another during the agitation cycle. The friction of the diapers helps to work soils loose.
  2. Use the manufacturer's recommended amount of detergent on the diapers. For hard water, you may need to use a bit more, while soft water usually requires a bit less. Observe the performance of your diapers and adjust your wash routine if necessary.
  3. Aim to wash your diapers daily, or every 2 - 3 days. Allowing soiled diapers to sit longer than three days can lead to foul odors, bacteria build-up, repelling and/or leaking.
  4. Store soiled diapers in a breathable container, like our FuzziBunz Hanging Diaper Pail to reduce bacteria proliferation, ammonia build-up, and staining
  5. Recommended detergents: E-Cover, Allan's Naturally, Rockin' Green
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